The Dog KeyTM is the official Canine Genetic Heritage Identification Test for the Dog L.E.G.S.® System

STEP 1: Use the Dog KeyTM to unlock your dog's heritage...on the spot!
You want the whole story when it comes to your dog... and his genetics are an important part of the big picture.
Unlock your dog's heritage with The Dog KeyTM to discover which genetic breed group(s) your dog has in his family history so you can be better prepared for what his genes might bring to the table.
The Dog KeyTM is the first step towards a totally new world with your pal.

- There's his Learning- his experiences and education
- There's his Environment- the many aspects of his external world
- There's his Genetics- the DNA that designed him inside and out
- There's his Self- his unique interior world: health, development, age, sex, and individuality
STEP 2: Get the whole story in Meet Your Dog©!
Open the door and take the big step for your dog with the complete Dog L.E.G.S.® System!
There's a whole dog there wagging that tail of his... and science tells us that he's got four L.E.G.S.®- his Learning, Environment, Genetics, and Self.
Forget doing it by the old “pet” dog book we've all been going by. It's time for a whole new kind of dog behavior book. And it's got L.E.G.S.®!

Get ready for doggie enlightenment. Get your paws on a copy of the official Dog L.E.G.S.® guide,
Meet Your Dog—The Game-Changing Guide to Understanding Your Dog's Behavior by Kim Brophey, applied ethologist, Family Dog Mediator, nationally awarded and certified dog behavior consultant, and developer of The Dog KeyTM and Dog L.E.G.S.®.
Do it today! Your dog is waiting...
You'll never look at your dog—or any dog—the same. That's a promise.